Honesty for the above person

Jujitsuka - its just a game!!! I actually really like you and your posts on the JJ forum

Chimp, wash your dirty undies!!!
Reeeeeeaaaaallllly? Somebody DOES like me!!! Thanks, Lily! Forgive my frustration. I'm a little edgy this week - just lost my job and my college scholarship all in one week!!!

BTW, cute avatar.
Whenever I see your avatar I think it's Goro from the Mortal Kombat series. It always takes me a few glances to realise it's two guys, not one guy with lots of arms. For some reason I never stop thinking this.
From what i remember from photos i've seen, you remind me of Chris Martin from Coldplay. Except funnier.

Your avatars always look like cute young girls from fantasy comics, and yet I picture you as a tough-yet-genial middle-aged cop, possibly with a doughnut habit - rather like a younger version of the sergeant in Hill Street Blues.
Hey I'd see it as a compliment If I were you, I mean to qualify as female you need to be witty, intelligent of kind and caring nature the list is endless .

This man has been more on an influence on me than anybody else I've ever met.

I first met him at the battle of Gallipoli in 1915. We were the only two survivors from our regiment. The 22nd Rags and Hiroji.

We were also the only two members of our regiment and our duty was to dance like crazy tribesmen and throw the enemy into confusion before the British Army advanced.

After we retired from active service, having seen action in Cyprus, Turkey, Antarctica, Mars and Yavin IV and decorated with numerous medals, Hiroji took me under his wing and showed me the finer points of making daisy chains.

Eventually what was thought to be a talent of his turned out to be Genius. And now we are the largest suppliers of Daisy Chains in the whole world earning on average 40p a year.
This man right here...is my saving grace in life.

In the battle of Gallipoli, where i first met Rags, i was close to break down.

Ive never told Rags this, nor anyone else for that matter, but Rags influence and crazy dance skills pulled me back from the brink of total mental meltdown.

He helped me get through our time in the service, and me teaching him the art of daisy chains is small return to such a genuine and caring guy.

Rags, your my hero.