Honda Accord rattle in the engine compartment?


New member
Mar 12, 2009
I have been told that it is the belt tensioner (serpentine) but the sound does not appear to be coming from the tensioner. I can definitively feel some vibration when I place a screwdriver to the pulley bolt but then again I am not sure if this is normal. If the belt is removed can I start the car to eliminate the tensioner? The noise does not get worse when the AC is on or the car is driving which I would assume should happen if the tensioner was bad.
I apologize for the lack of details. 2003/ V6.
Well oh mighty wise honda owner you might want to list the year and motor of your Honda. For you might get the answer for your question, Take a big crayon and lay (peel the paper off of it) and lay it on the belt on top of the belt at the tensioner if the noise stops it is your tensioner, if not put the crayon on the bottom side and if the nosie stops its your belt.

If you give limited info you will get limited answers.