Homosexuality & Raising Kids

Homosexuality & Raising Kids

Khm... I call out Catholics for totally different reasons...

Parade came to my mind as something I wouldn't like my kids (or anybody else for that matter) to see... It has become an abomination... IMO it is just causing damage to gay community and the way others perceive them... Comparing that to St. Patrick parade is just ridiculous, but I do get your point. Being stupid and disgusting is not just a gay prerogative... I agree to that...

That and other reasons as well... But you know what bothers me most. When people say "better gay parents than abusive/absent/lethargic or whatever straight parents"... Sorry if I missed that research, but all gays are amazing parents and beautiful human beings? Common...
Homosexuality & Raising Kids

Ah thanks for that. Right I forgot he did change his name up to that. Cheers.
Homosexuality & Raising Kids

I have female friends who have said similar in the past, however, I've had my fair share of problems with women in the past, but at no point did I think "You know what? To hell with women, I want me a man!"

Now, I can't say for sure but I can probably guess the same is true for most of my male friends (except my gay friends who are loving the men 24/7).
Homosexuality & Raising Kids

Well this thread has says a lot about everybody.

Do you guys think all gay guys act the same way? I've known some gay guys to be perfectly masculine, the just prefer other guys instead.

The suicide thing is a good point. More than a few young teenagers have killed themselves because they couldn't cope with being gay.

As for gay couples adopting. They go through a VERY thorough screening process, takes years for them to have the same rights as a straight couple who can't have a baby.
Homosexuality & Raising Kids

The three gay guys I know are very effeminate, two have partners who are likewise, and one had an ex who, if I remember correctly, was a Royal Marine (i.e., more man than I could ever muster).

One of the guys is a childhood friend who was abandoned by this family when he finally came out, though his mum sneaks a visit every now and then without telling her husband as, it will lead to divorce, he is THAT ashamed to have a gay son.

I've no doubt that gay couples would make just as good a parent as heterosexual ones.
Homosexuality & Raising Kids

Which sounds about right as everyone will have fairly different views on the subject based on their upbringing and experiences.

First off it sounds like you've lumped everyone into one single viewpoint. I think you might want to check that.

Anyone who knows even a little about gay subculture knows that it ranges all over the place from the very effeminate twink to the hypermasculine bear. If you're not up on what either means... Google the terms with your search results set to kick back images instead of web links. You've been warned.

Lots of people kill themselves for lots of things. Here in Asia suicide has to be at least triple what it is in the western world. There are lots of teenagers who commit suicide for reasons other than being gay as well.
Homosexuality & Raising Kids

m..us..t.... fi..ght...t..he... u..rge.. to.. ma..ke... jo.ke.....
Homosexuality & Raising Kids

Hahaha. Maybe if Chimpy cut those nails, trimmed the eyebrows and polished his shoes.

It only takes a bit of effort.
Homosexuality & Raising Kids

I reckon Chimp needs to work on his mustering skills... I reckon he's got a chance. Hot damn Chimpy a man in uniform no less!!!
Homosexuality & Raising Kids

Not really in the mood to discuss in depth at the moment, maybe later. Just going to drop two observations.

Homosexuality is still a bit of a fringe thing. It takes a certain willingness to accept or ignore negative perceptions, whether those perceptions are right or wrong, just like any group or practice which is frowned upon by a sizeable portion of the public, from LARPing all the way to hardcore fetish orgies on a scale that shuts down entire floors of an airport hotel.
As a result, those who are willing to accept and "practice" homosexuality in their lives are simply going to have one less inhibition towards other things which are not universally accepted and respected.
In short, gay is a gateway drug. Nothing wrong with it in and of itself, but until it's not seen as a separate class, it's going to have a higher percentage of "look at me" types and, uh, 'controversial' practices within the demographic. It's not something inherent with homosexuality, it's something inherent with the mentality of fringe subcultures.

The second thing I wanted to comment on is the upbringing. Before I came to the conclusion that I like dudes, I met a gay man briefly who commented in passing that he was gathering information for an amateur study. I'm fuzzy on the details but the gist of his hypothesis was that gay men generally had a poor relationship with their father, or a lack of a loving, accepting authority figure growing up and so seek male attention, validation and affection later in life.
Years later, I've found it to hold true in all the anecdotal evidence that I've seen. I haven't researched it at all but it seems to mesh pretty well with every gay guy's story I've seen, including mine. It might even explain the apparent surplus in needy/protectee types and deficit in more provider/protector types. The former may be more effeminate and the latter more masculine but that's not something to count on.

I suppose in a healthy family with a protective, self sufficient "father" figure (authority figure might be a better term) and a comforting, coaxing, feeling maternal sort of figure, it'd be a moot point regardless of gender. I feel that when you remove the social stigma attached to gender roles you tend to find in straight couples (that is to say, getting away from what your gender dictates you ought to be in society and getting down to how you live happiest and healthiest), those two personalities tend to find their way to eachother anyway.
Homosexuality & Raising Kids

Kidding of course. I could go and do stuff that lesbians do, but i never was attracted to other females. I'm heterosexual.

@ Slip about vid or it didnt happen

Nelson - YouTube
Homosexuality & Raising Kids

Oh yeah, I realise you were kidding, but it struck me after I read your post how often I had heard it before.

Also, to everyone else, I'd look awesome in a marine uniform, but I ain't worthy of it so I'll stick with my Spider-Man outfit... It stretches...
Homosexuality & Raising Kids

Sooo... you're saying that they make for better parents because they go through stricter screening process?

Fancy that.
Homosexuality & Raising Kids

I think its more that when you cant have a child of your own and decided to adopt, you make a lot more decisions and preparations.
it's the same with IVF parents or even those who plan their pregnancies.

@Slip - my comment was on the terrible heterosexual parents who pop out babies and dont bother even bother trying to create a decent life for their kids. i know plenty of them.
At least with adoption and planning you have the child when you feel you're a little more steady and a little more able to create a decent life for these kids.

saying that, there are tons of parents who really step up to the plate when they find out they're going to have a child so my point is dependent on the individual.

I think the idea of masculine and feminine figures in a child's life are are moot.
There are plenty of single parents who raise kids who do perfectly well, the single parent assumes both roles. My mother did it and i say i'm alright (?).

As for the traditional (extended) family talked about by Bear earlier - i agree, this is a much better setup than the nuclear family, i partly grew up in it and it makes life much easier. speaking of extended family - every tv show seems to have a gay relative in the extended family, i know its a good way to make controversial story lines (esp. in the US where i see it most) but its norm. the media often reflects reality.
Homosexuality & Raising Kids

I think perhaps it should be mandatory for everyone. If you're not fit to be a parent, then you shouldn't have kids, good logic ^^
Homosexuality & Raising Kids

Strange you need to add that caveat i was just planning on a quickie in your washroom. Seeing how you have objected though......
Homosexuality & Raising Kids

A lot of gays in your area trying break into your house so they can bang on your kitchen table?