Hole in my tooth? Hurts badly need help now!?


May 14, 2008
Ok, so an hour ago I was watching Glee with my Cousin at her house while eating cashew, and suddenly my tooth started hurting, so I looked at my tooth on the mirror and I saw a hole on one of my tooth and it hurts really bad! I can't go to the dentist even if i really want to I have 2 broken teeth on both sides of my mouth and I don't have insurance and my mom is a housewife. Im only twelve and I have depression and anxiety problems, please help me? :(
start brushing your teeth a lot everyday that should kind of help but you do need to go to the dentist. dont eat food on the side where all the holes in your teeth are either
its probably a cavity, if it hurts really bad it could even be a root canal depending on how deep it is. Like always, you're gunna have to see a dentist to get it fixed