Hillary Clinton is going to visit my school

Neat, Hillary came to one of the bar's in town and had a couple drinks last weekend. No one really cared. I take that back, the regulars cared because they couldn't get in. Secret Service only let the bigshot city officials and such in.
ask, how will the world climate (especially middle east) will change if she is the president.
Ask her why she is planning on ****ing up this country, then start running as the good old secret service beggins chasing you.
ask her if the past presidential candidates are going to have a pissing contest and shes the only one thats sitting down
You: Mrs Clinton, what inspired you to get out of the kitchen?
Clinton: IDGAF
You: Make me a sammich nao!
Clinton: ok
*Clinton leaves to make you a sandwich and never returns*
throw eggs at here...

but srsly... ask her why women have such smaller brains than men, and what is she doing outside of the kitchen and/or bedroom..

shes not going to win the election, if she does i will be moving out of the country
Seriously, this is like once in a lifetime for a presidential nominee to come to your school. Do something that will get you on the news and/or arrested. You're only in high school once.

very good

best yet

still win


could be funny, but the others were better


