High school relationships are they worth it?


Mar 26, 2008
I'm in high school and sort of decided about a year ago I wasn't going to date or have a 'boyfriend' until after high school. I just have seen so many heart breaks I came to this conclusion....you're more then likely going to end up breaking up, so either have relationships in high school but don't take them very seriously or just wait altogether. My problem is I get really attached and i'm not the kind of person who can get over a breakup easily...I take it harder then most people, it took me over a year on my last one. People say I should for the life lessons and the experience...but honestly is it worth it? I mean of course just like anyone the idea of having someone to love and be loved by sounds great...but is it really the right thing to do? Opinions please? Thanks!
Personally, I don't think they are.
I've never had a boyfriend in high school because that isn't something I am focused on.
I don't reget my decision to not date.
Less things to worry about.
Personally, I don't think they are.
I've never had a boyfriend in high school because that isn't something I am focused on.
I don't reget my decision to not date.
Less things to worry about.
If you sincerely want to be with somebody, then take a risk. You may regret the decision, but you learn from it and you move on.

I'd say that they are worth it. I love my boyfriend very much and we plan on getting marred :)
Well, I'm 16 and I've never believed in high school relationships. Not because I don't believe that teenagers can't be in love...just because young relationships, more often than not, tend to be very self-indulgent. It seems like a lot of teens just want a boyfriend/girlfriend, for the soul purpose of boosting their ego. They figure because they have a boyfriend/girlfriend, they are obligated and must say nice things at all times, "you're pretty, good looking, smart, funny, etc." Or, they just use them for sex. And most high school couples break up once they start their lives and go to college, move away, and such.

I don't mean to seem bitter, just my opinion.
hey it's a free world... think through it for yourself and choose wisely...

if you want a relationship put forth the honest, sincere effort -- just try not to intentionally use or exploit someone if you don't really care about them

if you don't, no one is forcing you -- there are a lot of things to enjoy in life on your own
hey it's a free world... think through it for yourself and choose wisely...

if you want a relationship put forth the honest, sincere effort -- just try not to intentionally use or exploit someone if you don't really care about them

if you don't, no one is forcing you -- there are a lot of things to enjoy in life on your own
It depends on the person.
For me, I would agree with you.
But most people wouldn't.

I mean, you're going to grow up into different people, is it really worth it? In my opinion no but that's all we're talking about here, opinions