Hi, I meet this girl at a random chatting site she is turning 16, and I am


New member
Aug 5, 2008
turning 20? well, that girl really trusts me, she has a very tough life, I started to love that girl as the little sister I never had and she as her big brother, I help her out, and even make funny faces for her on the cam to make her feel good sometimes, she told me secrets no one knows about, and I will forever keep them, I never look at her sexually ever, and neither does she, is that ok, or maybe we should stop seeing each other?!

We talk for hours and hours, and even when I tell her to go to bed, or do her homework she actually does, I have never been in that situation before, but I want to help her out as much as I can, she has a tough life and I kinda feel responsible for her now!

what do you think people?
Awwwwwww thats really so so so sweet (Y) ages doesnt really matter ;) i know a girl that is dating a 20 years old boy and she is 14 and they have been together for 4 yearrs(Y) KEEP IN TOUCH WITH HER ;)

wish you the best of luck