Hey ST degenerates...when are you going to die?

I've had the dream that I'm 59, on a plane, and going down in flames. I hope its not true because I have a desire to see the tricentennial of the US forth of July.
i like your style kid, fuck it. Go Eagles......first place NFC East bitcccchhhyyyy
:tdown: keep trying kid......you're getting closer and closer to coming up with something original
nope bitch, i dont lose....I'm God....God doesnt lose. I developed your skin cells, organized them, and produced the foul organism you are today. I forced your father to fuck you mother. Don't you get it? I'm the only reason you wake up every morning. I press a little button with your faggot ass name on it and you slowly awake from REM sleep. One day tho, i wont press that button. One day you will leave this earth because of me....because of your God. Now, are you going to continue this 'not funny at all' spree your on or are you gonna get on your knees and pray to your God cuz I dont have all day little bitch, make yourself useful.
i've stopped asking myself that question....why does your heart continue to pump blood throughout your body?
as long as its sooner than later

like i said.....lemme know when your through....have someone message me when you're gone