Hemel Hempstead

must b even worse for u thou i must say u cant go clubbin even though that aint much good lol
its only alryte wen u av a lotta drink down ya its not the best any who
Yup. Theo Walcott, David Seaman, Vinnie Jones and Dennis Bergkamp too.

Oh, and me - I do indeed live in Hemel. Hopefully only for as little time as possilb ethough...!
Oh yeah?!

Actually I agree Berko is slightly more agreeable than Hemel, although it's hard to avoid encountering the odd snob when you're around there.
I remember my cousins used to be so excited whenever we drove past Vinnie Jones' house on Box Lane.

I join the ranks of the unfortunate as a Hemelite. Though I live in a nice area (by Hemel standards anyway).

My one experience clubbing in Hemel was the Under 17's night at Ignite, it was slightly terrifying. :p
I wonder if he still onws that house?

There are quite a lot of nice places in Hemel...ie. the original "settlement" before the new town was built and, of course, parts that have been added on since.

As for the under 16/17's night in Ignite - I remember a friend of mine going there and having her drink spiked. Luckily she managed to escape unscathed. I've never actually ever had any trouble at Jarman Park, although I've heard countless tales of shocking misdemeanours and the like in said location.