Help writing a sci fi?


May 22, 2008
I have an idea but I've never written a science fiction novel. I've read a couple, and I'm re-reading my favorites to learn about the style but I'm still a bit lost. I want to place the story on Mars, but that seems so cliche. I don't know if I have the talent to create a whole new planet, but I'm willing to try. Any advise? I don't want to be told how to write it, I just need some tips to start off well. Thanks a bunch.
Trust your instincts and don't force yourself to write what you think scifi should sound like. Keep your original voice and style and that will lend an originality to your story. I guess what I'm trying to say is: don't limit yourself because of other people's definitions of this genre; there are so many unexpected things that you can do with science fiction.

Also, I don't think that setting your story on Mars is cliche simply because, if you are going to put humans on another planet, Mars is scientifically he most plausible planet to put them on.
On earth in the future. In the mars desert. In an age where otherr planets are colonized there are still abandoned places on earth.

"No don't bother with your radio, if we were on the red planet, you might get a signal. This is the mars desert on earth see those? There called the iron hills for a reason you wanna talk to someone out here you use your mouth."

Terraforming earth to combat climate change had... Let's say interesting results. But if we can live on mars the moon and soon venus were not giving up on earth any time soon, but in some ways were farther from help right here. Martians here have a saying "good luck, you're on your own."