Help with stopping a tping


New member
May 19, 2008
Someone is supposed to come tp my house tonight and I need creative ways to surprise them when they show up to do so (no cops) post your ideas
hide outside somehwere make wierd sounds to creep them out
put some scary mask on
and chase them with a knife
i like the double-aught massage therapy idea best. gun isn't the smartest way to go. i'd say wait for them to get there, then turn on all the lights and hose them down. if you can get a few hoses hooked up to different spigots, either have some good old family fun, or get some friends to help.

or, tp their houses when they are getting yours.

ejector port cover is closed, too. he's probably spotting.
Post stakes in the corners of your property, and run some heavy fishing line between them.

shoot them with a gun.

Some kids in anohter thread did this.

Srsly one time a kid was going to drive past my house and through some food at my car, so I got my gun ready and when he pulled up I blasted his car, and he sped off. haha
Being a spotter would suck.
If i had to lay still for 3 days waiting for my target and pissing on myself i want to pull the trigger damn it.

EDIT: Squeeze the trigger, not pull :p