Help with my story plot?


Active member
May 13, 2008
In my story, the main character (female) must sneak into a walled city to spy on the King, but I am stuck on how she sneaks in. These are the options I'm considering:

A.) she impersonates a princess who is arranged to marry a nobleman in the walled city. The nobleman is close with the king. The princess does not want to marry the nobleman and hates the walled city.

A1.) the princess that the main character impersonates gets to stay home, relieved not to have to leave her kingdom.

A2.) the princess she impersonates willfully goes with her into the walled city and pretends to be a servant, working with the main character to gather information.

A3.) the princess she impersonates goes with her reluctantly; they had to make a quick identity swap and she only agreed to it so she wouldn't have to marry the nobleman.

B.) the main character allows herself to be captured, then she is brought into the walled city and sold as a slave girl to the princess, who is married to the nobleman.

Which of these do you like best and why? Any suggestions?