Help with Google talk plug-in for Linux?


New member
Sep 14, 2010
I have been trying to get videochat to work for my gmail for ages, and I think the problem is that the plug-in won't install correctly. My OS is Linux, so it's not exactly standard (I'm pretty sure it's a .32-bit). When I download the plug-in, it downloads fine and I can open the folder. But, as soon as I do so, an alert pops up telling me to try downloading it in a software channel. Gmail's video chat still doesn't work for me (and it's not my camera or my mic; they work fine in the test screen, just not when actually chatting people, which is why I'm thinking it's the plug-in.) Can anybody give me a walk-through on how to download the plug-in into the software channel in order to get this thing to work? And/or do you have other ways around this problem, for those who've had this issue before? Thanks all.