Help.. These lesbians wont go away..Im scared..?


New member
Dec 2, 2008
Today after I ate lunch at school, these two girls that I never met before came up to me and said I was pretty (my first compliment EVER). They took me to a corner away from everyone else so we can talk. They said they were lesbians. I ran away. They ran after me and grabbed my arm. The bell rang so I bit them to get away and go to my next class.

Im really scared. What if they come back tomorrow?What do I do?
I dont think they were joking cause they were really serious.
Omg, lesbians at my school.
And I thought that school was safe.
Im only 12.. I really dont know what to do...
I've spent the last 3 hours crying.
I'm not sure if this is a wind-up or not.

But on the off-chance that you're being serious...

Nothing to be scared of.
If this is really bothering you, I say talk to your parents and file a report for sexual harassment. But only if this continues to happen. I don't see what's so scary about Lesbians though.
Your crying? Must you refer to them as "These Lesbians" How about "These bullies? These mean kids from the school? Who just happen to be lesbians." There not harassing you because they are homosexual.
"Omg, lesbians at my school.
And I thought that school was safe."
Im more afraid of your ignorance then anything these girls will do, you ran away becuase they said they were lesbians?? Im not surprised they grabbed your arm. AHHH! GAY GERMS! OH NO!...-_-
Lesbians at your school? Oh NO! Bullies and sexual assailants and jerks are at every school, but... if it's a LESBIAN? ABOMINATION!

First piece of advice: stop being a bigoted troll. A jerk is a jerk, and their sexual orientation is IRRELEVANT. Very few lesbians behave like that.

Second piece of advice: what can we do about it? Go to your principal.
Oh ok... I don't think lesbians usually do that to people. I think your trolling. But if your not then tell ur principle? Cuz we can't do anything to help you, you should ask people who actually goes to your school.
Oh ok... I don't think lesbians usually do that to people. I think your trolling. But if your not then tell ur principle? Cuz we can't do anything to help you, you should ask people who actually goes to your school.
Is this a joke? Don't be afraid of lesbians. But if they are physically harming you then that is bullying, not matter what sexuality they are.

You thought your school was safe???? What from lesbians?? GROW UP KID. Lesbians are just like you, doesn't mean they want to hurt you, but lesbian or not, some people like to hurt others and this maybe the case here.
Yes run you will catch the gay and they will turn you into a lesbian .

What are you five .