HELP!!(shortened) my bf is 6 separate people in my head. effect from...


New member
Nov 4, 2011
...internet relationship? he is 6 diff people to me cuz we were long distance for 2ish years. all i have found is this

solipsistic introjection-cues combined with text communication can have an interesting effect on people. Reading another person's message might be experienced as a voice within one's head, as if that person magically has been inserted or "introjected" into one's psyche. Of course, we may not know what the other person's voice actually sounds like, so in our head we assign a voice to that companion. In fact, consciously or unconsciously, we may even assign a visual image to what we think that person looks like and how that person behaves. The online companion now becomes a character within our intrapsychic world.

my mind has hiim separated into 6 people i hate 3 of the people and love 3 of them. i want to make them all the same but everytime i try, i just cant see the person that i loved lonng distance in the person that lives with me now even though they are the same people. help!!!!!!!!
p.s. fuck all of u who decide to comment that i am mental. i have depression, add, severe anxiety, ptsd,and personality disorder. i was abused mentally and physically by my mother and molested for 3 years straight by my aunt. yeah, i think i might have gained some mental issues from that you ass hole. im going to talk to my therapist wednesday about this but i just found out i feel this today and wanted to see if i could get some kind of help
You need to spend more time physically with him and learn that the "6 people" aren't different at all. You are just seeing different facets of his personality and all of those things combined make him a whole person. He is the sum of all of the parts of his personality and you have to take the good with the bad if you love someone. Like you, I'm sure that you have many different sides to you. You are seriously over-thinking this. Keep it simple.

If the issue is really that you just don't like him as much in person, well that happens with LDRs sometimes. It may be time for you to cut your losses and move on. If you stay with him and you just can't sort this out and manage to see him as a whole person, then you may need to talk to somebody.

EDIT: I just read what you said about talking to your therapist. I think that is an excellent idea. Try to relax until you can get some feedback. And remember, we all have many different sides to who we are.
You need to spend more time physically with him and learn that the "6 people" aren't different at all. You are just seeing different facets of his personality and all of those things combined make him a whole person. He is the sum of all of the parts of his personality and you have to take the good with the bad if you love someone. Like you, I'm sure that you have many different sides to you. You are seriously over-thinking this. Keep it simple.

If the issue is really that you just don't like him as much in person, well that happens with LDRs sometimes. It may be time for you to cut your losses and move on. If you stay with him and you just can't sort this out and manage to see him as a whole person, then you may need to talk to somebody.

EDIT: I just read what you said about talking to your therapist. I think that is an excellent idea. Try to relax until you can get some feedback. And remember, we all have many different sides to who we are.
BREAK UP WITH HIM...very bad dads a psychologist and that kind of behaviour is out of the normal
This sounds like something you should tell a therapist. I text girls I've only met on facebook and I don't imagine stuff like that. Keep in mind I'm a VERY imaginative person lol.