HELP regarding Owning a DOG/Other Pet..First Read the description?


New member
Feb 4, 2013
I owned a 2-months old male Labrador Puppy some days back

But he disturbed me and my family by doing shi-t all over
But the main problem was he sleeps 2 hours and then wanted me to play with him atleast 1.5 hours even if its 3 'o clock in the morning..

So, i returned him to my friend.

Suggest me some tips and if you think i shud own a pet other than a dog..
You shouldn't of returned the dog, puppies are like that, did you train him properly? Dogs need time to settle in, maybe you shouldn't have a pet.. Well, i think a good pet would be a cat, hamster, guinea pig, or if you seriously can't handle pets wanting to play and poop, get a goldfish or betta, they are very cheap. Check out for more pets and info.
I wouldn't suggest owning another pet unless you do research on the animal first so you know its needs and how to properly care for it.

As for sleeping only 2 hours, then wanting to play then sleep again, that sounds like typical puppy behavior. Puppies need to be trained, they are a lot of work. (Really, I mean it. They are A LOT of work. When I first got my English Shepherd, I hardly got a full night's sleep for the first two weeks until I was able to set a routine that the pup was able to follow) If you really want a dog, I'd start with an adult dog - maybe a rescue from the shelter - that way they are already housebroken, don't wake you up in the middle of the night to go potty (or wanting to play), etc. But like I said, do your research first before getting another pet of any kind.