Help! PUPS!

Cesar Millan is great. I think the main criticisms come from the fact that he deals with the VERY worst case dogs so has to use pretty extreme solutions.
I've instigated many of his practices with my own dogs and they are much improved.

Sitting and staying for food is not a sign that a dog is well trained, balanced or that you are in control.

Oh and getting a collie would have in no way meant you didn't adopt a dog with problems. I live in a rural village. The collies and collie crosses are the WORST dogs I meet. Collies can be very high maintenance and not easy to own for the casual owner. That's why so many end up in shelters. They can be very aggressive and snappy.
Properly bred, raised and "lead" a Staffy is one of the best family dogs out there. Seriously. You may not think it with this one but they really are.
They are about the most poular breed around at the moment (I think Battersea dogs home now has more Staffy's than anything else) and yet proportionally they bite very few people.

It sounds like your dog is mellowing out about the pups.
Give her a chance. Get rid of the pups when old enough, get her spayed, instigate some pack leader routines and hopefully she'll not exhibit this sort of behaviour again.
The dog I grew up with was a collie, she was soft and daft as anything, never harmed anything that wasn't made of paper and never snapped at anyone the whole time we had her. She came from a shelter too. I guess it just depends.

She has improved. So we'll see
I know this helped Mum a lot when we first got our dog.. it's about the only advice I can give, other than give her time & patience:
This is quite a coincidence – I tried to adopt very nice female staff from my local dog shelter, unfortunately they said I had to adopt a dog instead and called the police!

Now there’s the whole restraining order thing, luckily it doesn’t mention the cat shelter so I’m gonna check out the staff there!

Seriously – I’m glad she’s showing improvement, fingers crossed it’ll continue.

She's being great today. I've petted her three times while with the pups, and our house mate managed to pet the pups with her watching from outside the nest.

She was tugging at her lead earlier so Chris is going to take her for a walk in a bit for me to change the bedding etc.

The pups are plumping up nicely so she must have enough milk after all

I'll get more pics later while she's away
Glad she's settling down.
Sounds like you'll get through this litter well enough. Give your dog another 6 weeks and she'll be glad to be rid of them.
Still keep an eye on that food aggression though.
They are healthy luckily, her milk pulled through at the last moment. They've grown so much in just 3 days it's unbelievable
The milk rarely comes at the same time as the pups. But usually the first day or so, the type of milk produced is very thick so a little goes a long way.
Damn those are cute... all blind still and warm to the touch and making the funny little breathing sounds... hahahahahahaa!!!!

Lucky you!!!
Awwww very cool!
I miss havin little pups...

reminds me of a time that my cat had a bunch of kittens....
welp...outta of all the places she decided to have was on my bed...
luckily i wasn't in it at the time
Find a vet? Buy lots of news papers. Keep all male dogs away from the pups. They'll kill them. Seriously!

In about 12 weeks time offer them up for sale