help PLEASE! I'm being gossiped about! :(?


Feb 20, 2008
PLZ HELP! I asked this before, and got a few answers, but then I skaed again and got 0. I got good advice, but I really want more! thx so much!
I'm sharing my bat mitzvah with her. i never did anything to her. she acts like we are best friends and then she goes and tells everyone how much she hates me and how annoying and mean I am. I have been nothing but nice to her. I just wear normal clothes, and she talks about them. I get straight As. She constantly ebgs to know my gardes and constantly lies/brags about hers. A lot of people don't like her. She used to hang out with me and my friends but ditched us to be with the "cool" people. she hates them too, but she hates me SO MUCH. the people ("cool") most of dont really like her. they are always telling me that she is always talking about me, and how much she hates me. I go to a super small school (25 in my grade). everyone knows she detests me. I don't know if she knows I know. I dont know why she picks on me and not my friends. she makes me feel so bad. i cry all the time. i have to do my bat mitzvah with her. we have already paid for the place and stuff.
my friends are really nice, but talking to them really doesn't help, and I don't really want to anyway. its embarrassing to me that she hates me so much.
please help me.
I am 13. in 7th grade
people say she is always talking about how she hates me SO MUCH.
I have always been nice to her!
This girl is obviously NOT the kind of girl you want to be friends with. Friends are kind and loyal, they don't stab you in the back.
Try to not be bothered by it. Usually, if you show them you don't care if they are mean to you or not they'll stop and find someone else. If that doesn't help, try confronting her and telling her your done with her.
If you think it's nescessary, talk to your parents or a teacher about the girl.
I'd wait till after the bat mitzvah
Just to not make it awkward and ruin the good mood
Party it up
Then maybe a few days after go up to her and ask to talk. And just straight up ask whats with the talking behind your back and everything.
You could do it the day after too, if you don't want to wait.
I would just confront her
Nobody particularly like others talking about them, however you/w have NO control over what others say or think about us, just like no one has control over what you say or think, right. The sooner you start to realize this the better off you will be. I know it will be harder for you because you are only a kid, but kid or adult what others say really say or think really won't affect us/you unless we/you let it.

This girl either is jealous of you or insecure about herself so by bad mouthing you it takes the attention away from what she is insecure about. I doubt that she hates you, but if you think about it, WHO CARES if she did, she isn't nice to begin with and you already said that nobody you know really cares about her.

What exactly is she saying that has gotten you so upset?

It sucks your parents are making you have a combined party and your parents, not you, have paid for everything already but so be it. Tell your parents what she is doing and that you are unfortunately dreading the party because of it and you just wanted them to know so that if you get moody, it's not because you aren't grateful for what they are doing.

By the way, she isn't making you feel bad, YOU are making you feel bad, because you are letting what she says/does affect you. I know you are having a shared party and there really isn't anything you can do about it at this point, so if I were you and you have absolute proof what she is saying behind your back, the next time she is all nice to you just say something like (with a calm smile)"....hey Mary? why is it that you are nicy nice to me and yet you go around behind my back saying (give her some examples of what you heard...), that's pretty two faced of you, don't you think?" Put her on the spot and make her uncomfortable, don't gang up on her, but make sure you have a friend or two near by just to listen by to keep their mouths shut. See what she has to say. Call her out and let her know you know and that you don't appreciate what she is doing. Why should she stop talking about you, when you don't do anything about it. Ultimately you can't stop her, but by confronting her it could put her in her place. You have nothing to lose, but don't be fake and act like you are her friend when you aren't. That doesn't mean you have to be rude or mean either.