Help! My sister hears every move I make through the vent!?


New member
Jul 16, 2008
I'm in the basement and for whatever reason, my duct/vent cover does not have an open/close lever. The duct is directly above the head of my bed and I am both a night owl, and diagnosed with depression - my bed is where I spend a good third, sometimes two-thirds of my day (night). My sister recently sold off her bed and sleeps on her floor in a sleeping bag, with her head literally next to the air vent on her floor (the one connected to the vent above my bed). She is not in school, and she does not currently have a job - she spends a solid three-quarters of her day in her sleeping bag on her computer, within earshot of whatever I am doing when I'm home and in my room.

It bothers me because I don't feel I have a shred of privacy and I don't know how to back her off. She can hear me if I bring a girl over in the afternoon or late at night. She can hear me if I masturbate...if I cough, if I sneeze - and I can't stand it.

She is super sensitive to smells - so in an effort to mask my pheromones I bought a glade plug in - every time I plug it in she spends the night sneezing in to the frickin' vent.

I really don't know what else to do - I do't feel I have the privacy I'm entitled to when I close my bedroom door. I can't blast music late into the night because my parents go to bed early and sleep fairly light. I'm out of ideas