Help my rottweiler started to whine two days ago?


New member
Jun 17, 2012
hello i have a rottweiler who swallows her food. I notice something was off when I put her bowl down outside and she didn't touch it. She's inside or outside a lot. I play with her and spend time with her but, out of the blue she started to whine seems uneasy I don't know what to do and she's starting to drive me nuts. Could something be wrong with her? Any answers with someone who's dealed with this would be nice shes two yrs and very well trained. PLEASE do not answer with ridiculous answers. Also panting a little more than usual but it is getting hot but also painting inside as well.
you know what she went into heat a month or so ago and did try to breed her now that I look her breasts are swollen and she's done this before I think she may be having a false labor because the male and her did not tie so I gave her a baby teddy and hopefully she'll stop.
you know what she went into heat a month or so ago and did try to breed her now that I look her breasts are swollen and she's done this before I think she may be having a false labor because the male and her did not tie so I gave her a baby teddy and hopefully she'll stop.
Just to be safe I would recommend you take her to the vet. She could have bloat which is very dangerous. Though it could also be the heat which is easy to solve by washing her down to cool off her body and give her lots of water. Also keep her in a cooler spot.