Help! My fish has fin rot?


May 13, 2008
I have confirmed that my fish has fin rot? How can I help him?? He is in a 5 gal tank with heater and filter. do I need to take all of his water and gravel out and thoroughly clean it? Please help I don't want him to die or suffer.
It's a betta. I did an aquarium test strip...nitrate levels are safe hardness is soft, alkalinity is somewhere between 80 and 120 which is ideal and pH is neutral.
Go to PetSmart and ask one of the fish people on what to do. I had a betta and he too got fin rot. We ended up buying antibiotics for him and some blue stuff in a fish package. They also told us to use betta water instead of tap water/distilled water.
Kenziee has some good advice on how to do your water changes, so I'm just going to back her up on that.

Just wanted to add that Maracyn TC (Tetracycline) is a great medication for him if he isn't too far gone; the dosage is a packet of powder per 10 gallons, so just add half a packet to your 5 gallon tank a day. I've gotten better and faster results using this than any other betta medication, including Melafix or Bettafix.

If your betta is in the latter stages of fin rot, Maracyn Two will take care of that.

Best of luck!