Help me with my Blackberry ID please?


May 14, 2008
My mom gave me her phone [Blackberry 8520] as a graduation and birthday gift. She said that she's going to buy a new phone and decided to give me her phone so i can have and use one so she can contact me whenever, wherever. And i was checking everything out, i explored, help myself get used to it.
Then, one day i decided to download an app. And i searched for google on how to download an application on a blackberry, and i knew that i am supposed to download/install it using the blackberry application world. After i clicked the "download", there's this blackberry ID thing. And it has my mom's email address. So i erased it, made one for me and entered my username and password [my ID]. But when i enter, there's this thing that pops out and it says - "! Enter the username associated with this smartphone". I asked my mom about it but she told me that she doesn't know anything about it because she never used the app world. My cousin said that i should do a Security Swipe(?) so i did, and my app world was gone. I downloaded it again and thought that everything's okay now but when i install/download nappan application, my mom's blackberry username is still on the ID verification and it still tells me to enter the username thta is associated with the smartphone. I have no idea on how to fix this, my mom doesn't know how too. Please, please help me :(