Help me think of pranks to do on this girl I hate!!!?


May 12, 2008
She goes to my school, and I use to be friends with her, but she was so annoying so my friends and I broke up with her last year, right?

So the next year (this year), the first week of school, we keep avoiding her, but suddenly the next week, shes talking to my best friend as if theyre still friends. Shes loud, girly, squeaks & squeals, a copy-cat, rude, ect. Worse, she even follows us around at lunch, and eats with us. I started bringing lunch cuz the line was too long, and my mom always brings a little too much, so I ask my friends if they want some. And that girl i hate, Anna, hears and she comes over to where im sitting and is like: I want some. (SOOO RUDE, I DIDNT EVEN ASK HER!) Then she starts taking an advantage of me, by not bringing lunch, so when I tell my mom that, she brings a bowl in my lunch box for anna. Then whenever anna parents give her a whole weeks lunch money, she puts it in her wallet, and doesnt eat lunch. And she keeps starring at my lunch and craning her neck, ITS SOOO ANNOYING! So I told my mom that, and she stopped bringing the bowl, right? But then annas all like: Can I have some?

I'm like: Uhhh... what do u want to put it on? I dont have a bowl today...

shes like: Oh, Ill just use ur lid then.

(UHHHHGGG! HATE HER!) So I hide my lid under my lunch before she comes... But she just keeps starring at me... (ADVICES PLZ!) Usually my mom brings pasta/fried rice for me. But sometimes sushi and finger food, then I cant use that excuse!!! I cant eat it all cuz my other friends come after anna come, so yeah....

Also, I wanna do pranks on her and stuff.
1)Imma IM her with a seperate account, and insult her and stuff.
2)If I knew her locker combination, I would open her locker, and flip it around, so she cant unlock and has to ask the teacher
3)If I knew who she liked, I would IM her saying he hates her

I NEED MORE IDEAS!!!! She tries to get attention by screaming at every little thing like ants. Okay, so Im scared of birds right? And I start whining whenever a bird is near by, and now she copies me just to get attention. I am truly, terrified of birds. Not only that, I made up a nickname to use on the internet and stuff like that. And in games, in those about me section, shes all the u can call me: ____ (THATS THE NAME I MADE UP!) When I ask my friends, whats ur nicknames? Anna butts in and says: MINES ___! My other friends all like: .....Isn't that ____? (MY nickname)

She always says how shes fat, just so ppl can tell her "oh, ur NOT fat... Youre normal" and then she says "No, im fat. I need to be skinnier" And she tries to act all popular by butting into every single confersation, and wearing mini skirts, and lip gloss and stuff. Like Im like: Sammie, did u know bob likes bobbi? (made that up) then anna comes and says: WHO? WHO!!! (IM NOT EVEN TALKING TO HER!)
In our orchestra class, my teacher tells us to wear our orchestra polo, and solid long khaki pants, and clean sneakers. She comes in with a polo, khaki colored CAPRIS with pink flowers all over, and ballet flats. (shes just trying to attract attention) and were like: Anna, arent u suppose to wear pants? and she just shrugs... UHHGGG I HATE HER~!! I NEED MORE PRANKS!