Help me I want to and need to lose weight fast!?


New member
Dec 30, 2008
I really need to lose 64 pounds by June 15th, 2011 because I want to wear a bikini for my friend's pool party and I would need a few days to pick one out. I am 14 and 189 pounds and I know its sounds gross but I have an over hang belly :( I want to be toned mostly in the arms, thighs, hips, but, and especially my belly! I am a beginner to exercise and dieting because I have been a couch potato my entire life so I would want to start off with basic healthy eating and exercising then make it harder as I go along. I really need help and I want to lose all that weight by June 15 th, 2011. I am 5"4 so Im not sure. I will do anything to lose it except surgery, starvation, pills, or purging. Also, another thing that makes it a lot harder is my mom has put me on the school lunch program because we can't afford to bring lunches everyday. The foods are usually unhealthy ( pasta, noodles, mashed potatoes) how can I eat school lunches but keep it somewhat healthy? I also don't have motivation at all I give up easily. I love baking which makes things worse. I have a bad habit of eating lots of candy and pop. The only pop I really drink is Coke Zero or any diet pop. Will that effect my weight loss plan if it is a diet pop? Please help me! Send me a message back when you get the chance. Please don't leave negative, offensive, or innapropriate comments. Thank You so much for all the advice and help you will give me
Diet containing good carbohydrates such fruits and vegetables, wholegrains and moderate in fat and calories, will result in weight loss
Good carbohydrates will also help you combat hunger pangs as they are slowly realized into the body.
These include whole grains, vegetables; fruits and beans.

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Weight loss becomes very easy in today's world because thee are number of easy ways available for weight loss.Eat low calorie food and reduce sweet from your daily eating also avoid oil.follow your diet chart,exercise every you can easily loss your weight without any problems.

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You can lose weight with control yourself for heavy and junk foods. You should to do the workouts and some physical activity to lose weight. You should to go on walking and choose the stairs for lifting up.

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Quality protein is an effective weight control tool because of the satiety factor and its ability to keep you full for longer periods. It also balances out carbohydrates by preventing insulin spikes that cause energy loss and sugar cravings.lose weight and feel healthier.

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