HELP! I'm stuck in a college fashion rut!?


New member
Oct 16, 2008
Well I'm into my 4th month of college and I love it! I really enjoy meeting new people and learning new things everyday. But I have one problem, I'm stuck in a fashion rut.

In the beginning I dressed nicely. When it was warm outside, I wore sundresses and cute little skirts. But now I wake up 15 minutes before my class and it seems like everyday I throw on jeans and a hoodie, or sweatpants (tucked into uggs of course) and a t-shirt with a fleece jacket.

So I need your help. Over the winter break I will be doing marathon shopping sprees as much as I can. Are there any styles or pieces you suggest I look for?
Some things to know:
-The easier the better. When I'm running late (which is almost everyday) I need something I can just throw on and go.
-I'm in Pittsburgh, so its COLD!
-I'm not a fan of skirts and leggings. But I do like oversized sweaters and leggings. Of course I'm pretty tall, so oversized things still seem to only hit my waist.
-If you need an idea of my style, I dress pretty preppy/girly and I love Emma Watson's style.
-And I'm a poor college student, so lets keep it cheap!

Thanks :)
Charlotte Russe and Forever 21 have alot of cute things that aren't expensive. If your looking for even cheaper, there is ebay, plato's closet, and (which buys and sells gently used named brand clothing) . I'm from Pittsburgh too.. I go to Pitt Main, so I know how you feel about getting ready in 15 min lol.