Help, Im soooo Hungover!


Apr 4, 2008
Hi all,

Just got back from a very heavy night, initially went out for a few drinks, got dragged out down town, and ended up drinking round a few freinds house until the early hours of the morning, really really regret it now as i dont really drink that often. Has anyone got any hangover cures other than sleep or hair of dog (that made me worse!)
Most of what you could've done to lessen a bad hangover in the morning had to be done the night before...

Once you stumble home, or to someone else's place eat something light (a sandwich, a couple of chocolate bars or some pizza) and wash it down with plenty of water, drink two or four glassess of water more, pop some B-Spectrum-vitamins (1 pill) some Vitamin C&E (also found in one pill) and a clove of garlic or a garlic pill.

This will considerably lessen the hangover the next day.

BUT... you didn't so here's what you gotta do...

LOTS of Water, a liter or two will do. Don't eat anything greasy, maybe some oatmeal, or grits, even soup will do. Pop lots of Tylenol, get some vitamin C from orange juice, etc... take the B-Vitamin, Garlic and C&E now so that tommorrow you aren't feeling like the Undertaker forgot to bury you even though you're still dead...

And never, ever NOT have a game plan for hangovers ever again!

By the way, you can put those three pills with you in a TINY little container, say an old Tylenol container, you know, those one that are a little bigger than a chapstick container... that way, when you drink and finally come home, etc... you just eat something light, and empty the contents of that container in your mouth and wash it down with PLENTY of water. It's that simple.

However if you feel you have to puke upon getting home, do that first and THEN pop your vitamins.

That's the best I can offer, next time, don't drink so much.

P.S.~ You weren't stupid and mixed your liquors did you??? You know, whiskey, then a beer, some champagne, then some rum, another beer, mabye some red wine... cause that'll make you puke yourself inside and out if you drink like that...
The "morning after" is too late!

A pint of water before bed normally prevents a hangover for me - but that is after the obligatory kebab.
yes unfortunately, I was drinking beer, then red wine and then vodka at the house later on, stupid I know but it didn't seem a problem at the time..... never again!!!!!!!!!!!

Cheers for the tips, I will definately do this next time.. if there is gonna be one.
There is no cure. There needs to be no cure. Take your hangover like a man and stop being a wuss

Yep, I said that last week, now I'm half way down my 4th bottle of Newcastle Brown Ale

I was sick outside the pub last week, yet I still mix because I'm a dumbass, but I don't winge about it. Got up very early for work the next day infact!
BEFORE you start drinking, take 3 advil with at least 16 ounces of water. Gets the anti-inflaofftopictory in your system BEFORE the alcohol hits. Helps with the brain irritation.
Yeah, I too have said "never again" several times. But I didn't drink this weekend ... yyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy .. oh well, there's always next weekend.
As for hangovers ... You should eat a bowl of cereal before you go to sleep (if you can still manage to get the spoon to you mouth) ... but the morning after is too late.
Imagine the situation, you are at the bar with your friends and you are about to drink your 1st drink but before that, you start taking out all those pills, taking them one by one, then drinking water, somewhere in your pocket you ought to have a pizza or something else to eat.....hahaha...isn't it easier simply not get that wasted???
Yeah but after a few pints a few more doesnt sound so bad, and then suddenly you wakeup somewhere wearing a womans dress, hancuffed to the deck of a freight ship headed for antartica.
I hate it when that happens
The secret really is preparation ,lining stomach before you go drinking,dont mix drinks, and have pints of water during the night (especially if you end up on shorts ....RUM!) and drink in moderation !!
My rescue remedy the morning after (or afternoon after) was Irn Bru- Scottish drink made from iron girders! ready salted crisps ,water paracetemols,making cups of tea, groaning,making pact with god (never again promise made at this stage) more groaning.
I have "sadly" pretty much grown out of drinking now, only drink alcohol maybe 8 times a year ( never did actually find a drink that I enjoyed the taste of although I did enjoy the effect and I never drink alcohol at home).
When I do drink I feel poor the next morning feel ok lunchtime and then poor again, and I never feel "right" for a good few days thereafter.
Interestingly when Ive been out on a nightout and stayed completely sober I have had a lot of the symptoms of my alcohol induced hangover,presumably the smoking , lights noise smell of a nightclub are also to blame.
Other thing that happens is you can get a bit paranoid if you drive home after a big nightout EVEN THOUGH you KNOW you havent been drinking!! plus the streets are scarier when you are sober
On the topic of hangovers, there's an anti-hangover pill available now

Anyone tried this, or can give an credibility to this?
This is what I said to do when you have been drinking and are about ready to crash..."Once you stumble home, or to someone else's place eat something light (a sandwich, a couple of chocolate bars or some pizza) and wash it down with plenty of water, drink two or four glassess of water more, pop some B-Spectrum-vitamins (1 pill) some Vitamin C&E (also found in one pill) and a clove of garlic or a garlic pill.

This will considerably lessen the hangover the next day."

THREE pills, not a lot.

This is what I said to do after you wake up the next morning with a hangover... "BUT... you didn't so here's what you gotta do...

LOTS of Water, a liter or two will do. Don't eat anything greasy, maybe some oatmeal, or grits, even soup will do. Pop lots of Tylenol, get some vitamin C from orange juice, etc... take the B-Vitamin, Garlic and C&E now so that tommorrow you aren't feeling like the Undertaker forgot to bury you even though you're still dead."

Again, three pills, not a lot...

And how many folks who currently drink socially or consume more than that would actually do so??? O.K. nice thought, but you also missed my point, read more carefully. I never said to take the pills DURING your drinking binge. I suggested to take the THREE (not a lot...) AFTER, when you get home or when you are ready to crash at friends place. Neryo_tkd... you nearly had a point, except it was flawed by virtue of the fact that you didn't pay enough attention to WHAT I said to be able to pass judgement on HOW I said it.
Read more carefully next time...
Isnt advil a pain killer (ibuprofen)?! Do not take 3 painkillers before drinking alcohol, please!!
"...isn't it easier simply not get that wasted??? " Posted by Neryo TKD

"I have a sure fire cure just control your intake of intoxicating substances,This should solve the problem" Posted by oneninja

Guys that is just CRAZY TALK!!
Hangovers are god's way of telling you not to be such an irresponsible scumbag. Stay with the pain, because you deserve it. That's what I do.