Help I had a Premonition?


New member
Jun 10, 2012
When I was at work a few days ago I sall this vision in my head of myself standing in the bathroom taking a picture of my 'pregnant' self through the mirror. I noticed everything , i was wearing nursing scrubs (im about to start LVN school aka Licensed Vocational Nurse) they were green in color, i also had a name tag on but i couldnt tell whether or not if it was a student or employee one. Also i looked like i was 4-6 months long? and the facial expression on me was a 'tired but happy' look, lol. My feelings towards it was shocked but happy! I also had a ring on my hand but couldnt tell if it was a wedding band or not, i just started this new relationship with this guy who wants me to be his girl friend. I also had another vision related to this one, i was shopping at a grocery store and i was accompanied by a man , we both had on wedding bands this time, but I couldnt see his face? i dont know why? and i was pushing a grocery cart and there was a little girl in the kid seat , she seemed to be around 4 years old. I also am guessing the little girl is the one i was bearing in the original vision. I am documenting these down but am looking for some input on why i am seeing these? and what else should i do?
It also happened twice today again, but i was wearing different clothes, ones that i already have. ( outfits i have worn before?)