Help!! I dropped my cellphone in the pool!!?


May 14, 2008
So I have a LG Extravert from Verizon Wireless and today, I was texting my mom and I was walking around the pool and of course, dropping everything and clumsy me, I dropped my cellphone in the pool -.- I got it out, and when I got it out the screen was dim and then it turned off >< So I dried it off and took it inside to my room and the ' go back/say a command, end and call' buttons were lit up and now it's a couple hours later and they aren't lit up >< I am in SO much trouble and I haven't told my mother yet.. I KNOW I'm not getting a new cell phone. When I got this phone my mom and an employee were talking about coverage/insurance for my phone but I don't know if we got it or not and if it even covers water damage. I don't know if my cell phone can still be re-vived or if it's a total gonner >< I need help, thank you!!
DO NOT ATTEMPT TO TURN IT ON!! Leave it off. If the circuits are not already fried from the water, then your phone may still have a chance. Leave it off for a few days, and make sure to leave it under a hot lamp or out in the sun for a while to get the water to evaporate. After a few days, try turning it back on. Only then will you be able to tell if the damage was permanent and the phone was fried. If it still wont turn on (and make sure to recharge the battery before trying to turn it on again, as it probably discharged) then you know it is broken for sure. However, if you did everything correctly and you got lucky and the internal electronics were not damaged, then your phone should work.
Remove the battery, dip your your phone in a cup or two of rice, wait one day, should work for a bit but I will never work as it used to be.
Calm down first of take the battery off and leave the bak cover off and let it laying on a table front side up with the back cover off try putting a hair dryer to dry all the water in there or put it in a bag of rice it soaks up the water