He told me he doesn't know what he wants and doesn't know where his future lies?


May 13, 2008
This guy I was seeing for 3 months just told me he isn't sure about what he wants and he doesn't know where he will be next month or so. He says he knows I want a relationship and he feels bad.
Normally, I would just be like "okay, he's not that into me, moving on"

But we shared this connection and he loved holding me and smothering me in kisses. he would always tell me how cute i am and what a sweetheart i am. Just last week, he called me and told me he almost never calls anyone except for work & family and when I asked where I stand, he said I have my own category. On friday he eagerly tried to make plans to see me but then disappeared for the weekend when he lost his phone but didn't even contact me in another way - he acknowledged this was wrong and told me he has been thinking a lot.

He wouldn't hang up the phone and he kept saying he doesn't want to be my enemy. i told him "it's okay, i'm not mad at you for not wanting the same thing as me. You have to do what you have to do, put your heart first and take care of yourself. we don't have to see each other anymore" ...he then later posted on social media "gut check..." after we gt off the phone.

it was painful as i believe we both really enjoyed being together. he did have some baggage from his past relationship (he seems really effected by it) bu i'm not sure.

I'm having a hard time dealing with this, and usually i don't...usually i move on rather quick.
Where do you think his head is? :/