he loves me even though ive NEVER MET HIM?


New member
Dec 31, 2008
so one of my best friends miles has a friend and they decided to call me and then his friend, austin kept asking me for a picture of my self so i sent him one and he sent me one of him. he is so hott its kinda crazy. then when he got the picture of me he went crazy and was calling me sexy and stuff. yeah he is like beautiful but i have a boyfriend named tyler that i like a lot and i think is hotter and alot nicer and alot safer. plus hes my age and austin is 2 years older then me. and austins like i want to make out with you so bad and stuff but im really not that kind of girl. :\ i really need advice on what to do

thank you- peacelovesmile
Dont do it!
Hes probably some creeper.
Hes just using you.

Stick with your boyfriend!
