He broke up with me and he was my first boyfriend, now hes texting me to talk to him?


New member
Dec 5, 2010
ok so my ex, he broke up with me im 17, hes 18 anyway long
story, i rejected him twice coz i liked another guy, but then afer new years
this year i started to like him alot, so i gave up on the other guy and fell in
love with my ex, he broke up with me a week ago, after telling me he loved me
and he truely did, but we met over fb and had tons of friends in common, after
we met he became distant, we didnt have our late night convos, he didnt leave
any msgs in the morning. anyway he said i should concentrate on school and he
got his lisense suspended for 6 months, and we live 45 mins away in different
cities, anyway he kept on adding girls on fb i told him to stop it and he kept
on going, he didnt flirt. he was always like i can delete them im like nah its
ok coz i felt guily, so i called him up one morning and yelled at him and i said
i had to go, and he thought i hung up on him, i didnt, i had to go to school.
after school i came back called him 6 times he ignored the calls, the next
morning he came back from a party and i asked him why he did this, he said coz i
pissed him off, i said he owed me an apology he said: NO i dont.i said just say
if ur dumping me and if u dont love me, he said: i did, but its all gone. then i
called him and said if u dont love me say it he said: no i wont, coz its not
true. anyway i couldnt eat sleep and i wasnt on fb or my phone for a week, and
today at school i deleted him off of fb and within 5 mins he texted me saying
why i did it and wished me all the best blah blah, i ignored that too, then
tonight he texts me again saying: can u atleast tell me why u dont wanna talk.
Because last week i told him i wanted to still talk and be friends and he does
too, then i figured out it cant work, so i ignored him now, and previously while
i was off for the whole week, he sent me 2 msgs saying how i been and stuff,
anyway i was broken, sick couldnt eat or sleep or conenctrate on school. he said
its over bcoz he cant see me w/o a car, and i always yell at him. but i wont
tolerate someone who does that. he was the most sweetest caring guy then i saw
his true colours, anyway am i in the right for ignoring him? or should i text
back and give him another chance?? when he broke up with me he said he didnt want to stop talking to me and i said i wanted to be friends and i asked if i could call him that night he said yes, but then that night i told my mum what happened and she said something that made me realise he should be chasing me and i never called and since then i ignored his msgs on fb, all his texts that say please talk to me and why cant you talk to me. When i deleted him off of facebook last week he noticed and withing 5 mins he texts me saying true delete me blah blah all the best bye, then he text me again today asking for me to talk to him. anyway ive ignored him for 2 weeks and all my love for him has turned to hate and revenge. did i do the right thing?anyway its been 2 weeks since we broke up, and within those 2 weeks hes been trying to call me and text me but ive ignored everything, so what does he want from me now? hes the one who broke it off