He asked for my phone number?


May 23, 2008
This guy asked for my phone number. We weren't at a bar, I was waited on him at work, But that night he texted me. We texted that night until the next day. Then he called me and we talked (hr or so) until we lost signal. But we have a lot in common from what we were talking about. He was very sweet and polite and even called me a few pet names like darlin'. I thought our conversation went very good. But the next day I decided to text him but we didnt have much to talk about so we just stopped. Now its been a few days ...and I haven't heard anything from him.

Did I do something wrong? Could he be busy? I don't understand why he would ask me for my # but not ask me out yet. What do you think?
I think he's just busy at the moment. Seeing how you guys talked and texted a lot already, he's very interested. I'd give it another week and then maybe consider calling him.

please answer my question too :)