have you seen the movie "Passion of the Christ"?


May 14, 2008
Focus on one of the following debates/issues:

historical accuracy
accuracy to the Gospels,
the level of violence.

How accurately does the film follow the Bible?
No I have not seen it. Hearing about it was enough to sicken me. I go to the movies to be entertained. I study the Bible to learn about Jesus.
Seen it. I noticed Mel gave Jesus all his last words. Felt some scenes were needlessly dragged out to get more blood. Sometimes I wonder if those who normally denounce gore fests got to have their jollies with it while pretending it is more moral to do so with this movie and not from an 80s slasher.
historical accuracy -- none

anti-Semitism -- lots - but it would have been worse in the uncut version
(the version originaly looked at by the joint catholic and Jewish commitee that criticised it had a whole scene of Jewish leaders scheming against Jesus and personaly building the instruments of his torture and execution)

accuracy to the Gospels -- it is actualy based on a number of external sources including the writings of a particular 18th century anti-Jewish mystic.
some specific distinctions:
* it includes both versions of the Eternal Jew story - neither of which is in the actual Gospels
* it includes Pilate's wife - she's not in the gospels

the level of violence - bit much

I've never been able to sit through more than a half an hour. It is some of the worst tripe I've ever seen!
The movie "The Passion of the Christ" was, for the most part, Biblically accurate. There are a few scenes in which "artistic license" was taken, but it was within the scope of the Biblical account. Examples of this "artistic license" were demonic baby Satan was carrying, the demonic children tormenting Judas, and the woman wiping the blood off of Jesus' face on the way to the crucifixion site. Mary's role was overemphasized beyond what the Bible describes. As with any film based on the Bible, we should always compare what we see and hear with what the Bible actually says. Overall, if you see the movie "The Passion of the Christ" and read the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) - you will find that the movie follows the Bible very closely.
if you saw her, and see how much it hurt much Jesus suffered for us, as God He could quit, but he did everything for his love
Yes i have seen and it and a lot was accurate but one scene definitely was Not was that Jesus died on a cross.