have you seen anyone you knew/seen in a porno?

I still have his PM that he sent me about this. it was we live together, not captain stabbin.
i know some girls that already have threesomes and such and everyone knows they are gonna have some future on their knees and backs
a girl i went to HS with and knew fairly well is now a stripper... and maried... and has a kid... and shes 19
I remember the thread where the kids dad was a porn producer and he had pics to prove. It was a good thread.
my spanish teacher dated that girl who was involved in that prostitute scandal with the NY mayor(i think he was a mayor) in HS.
Yea a girl I went to highschool with was in some random internet porn, it got spread around school and everyone saw it.
Dude, yello, shut the fuck up.

lulz harhar lulz i need to respond to every post in a thread about porn lulz.
