Have you ever wanted to be friends with a celebrity and if so, which celeb was it? ?


New member
Oct 26, 2011
Hi, I was just wondering because I've pretty much fallen in love with this female celebrity - I'm always talking about her, I'm always watching her videos on YouTube and listening to some of her songs and watching programmes that she's been in - I just can't get enough of her!
Thanks so much guys! :D
Oh and this girl is called Sapphire Elia - you may've heard of her. She's been in Emmerdale and other stuff. You can check out her videos on YouTube - she's awesome! She's put me in a really good mood too coz I've just been watching some episodes of Emmerdale with her in! :)
well now you got me curious, whos the special girl? Most famous people i've had personal relationships with are professional sports players....Danny Ainge, Danny white, both were neighbors of mine and went to my church. you can look up their accomplishments if you dont know them
Jude Law and Sadie Frost lived two doors down from me before they split up, and a friend of mine stole Michael Palin's drill (and we all used it). Ricky Gervais, Jonathan Ross, Stephen Merchant, David Mitchell and lord knows how may others live in the same area that I do.