Have you ever met someone you could never be with?

No. I don't think you can ever know someone well enough to know that you would be happy with them for the rest of your life. There was one guy that I thought was perfect for me but I realized I was just projecting my ideas of what I wanted on to him. Why can't you be together?
yes im helplessly in love with my brothers best friend. i lost my virginity to him and everything. i just dont know if we could ever be together because if my brother found out he would be so mad. but i just dont think about it and i still talk to him and hang out with him secretly even tho i know im just setting myself up for heartbreak. ive tried moving on but nobody else felt right. i dont know what to say to you to help you deal because really i cant even deal with it myself. i jsut pretend its all gonna work out. so goodluck with you situation
yes i just moved on and found some one even better. it's hard try hanging out with friends or do something to get ur mind of it.
ummm no but that sux

Do you mean Like when you meet an amazing guy,or you've grown up knowing this amazing guy, and he's like married or something. Or you think he would never go for you? Yeah, I have been through that. And In the End if I really care for that person i realise I'd never want to ruin their marriage for selfish puposes. Or I remind myself of the amount of guys there are out there for me. i'm sorry if you feel this way, But time changes everything, and you can overcome things like this.
I presume you are either speaking of a married person, or someone of the same sex, where as you are not willing to cross the line. Either way, there is someone out there that you will have a good, healthy, and happy life with so don't give up. Wish this person the very best and move on. New doors don't open if one is hanging on to the one that is soon to close. Good luck to you!
yeah, and then when he finally talked to me, i was to fucking fat for him!
love sucks
yeah. =(
ugh, you have nooooooo idea.
and we both loved each other too, but i had to move to another state..