Have you ever met a celebrity who was horribe/rude?

or know of some one else who has, tell me who , and why they were horrible.
The only person I can think of right off hand is Nascars Dale Earnhardt SR. I met him several years ago while living in Dallas and after waiting in line for a long time, along with a few hundred other people, the man had the audacity to act like he was so put out by even being there. He was signing things for you if you brought something for him to sign but he was so rude about the whole thing that if I hadn't already been waiting for so long at that point.....I would've left and made sure that all the way back to my car everyone all around heard about what a jerk this guy is and how it was a waste of my time because he wasn't worth seeing anyway! I have never in my 54 years ever come across a celebrity who in my opinion was so rude to the fans who put him so high upon that pedestal that he was now on.
James Reynolds from Days Of Our Lives

When I was deployed to the middle east, the USO came over to meet us. I figured I would get his autograph for my step mom (As Days Of Our Lives is her favorite show).

My unit arrived to the area as he was leaving. I asked him for his autograph while we were walking, and he refused. He was a total jerk about it too.
James Reynolds from Days Of Our Lives

When I was deployed to the middle east, the USO came over to meet us. I figured I would get his autograph for my step mom (As Days Of Our Lives is her favorite show).

My unit arrived to the area as he was leaving. I asked him for his autograph while we were walking, and he refused. He was a total jerk about it too.
ryan key from yellowcard, he was the most disgusting person ever when i walked up to him screaming "oh my god ryan, i finally meet you!" he stared at me and completely ignored me and my friends
nope non at all. i havent met anyone super super duper famous.

ive met jasmine trias of american idol at a autograph signing and was really down to earth and nice.

and another filipino star but he is hosting his own radio show back home where i live. but when my friends saw him they were more in awe as i didnt know nor really cared who he was. he was a bit annoyed i can tell but not rude or anything.

thats it.. anyone know anyone else?