Have you ever done drugs?

Yeah, but we don't have taco discussion threads, taco magazines, official taco days, etc.
it's not so much a matter of self control as a matter of wanting more. if i did try it, and liked it (which i doubt i would), i would want more. and although that may not be an addiction, there's not much good that would come of it. i'd rather keep my money on other things, and my mind down to earth.

yes, it's a "love". that's what they call it these days. and resorting to personal insults so soon? wow, you must not have much to say.

i was going to say something about a "taco discussion thread", but i decided not. glad someone else was thinking the same way haha.
It's not really different from trying bacon or something. I'm fine with people not wanting to do, but I can't really understand not being interested. I've always been extremely interested with altered states of mind and the like. It's people who think there's something wrong with doing it occasionally and think they're superior for not doing so that annoy the shit out of everyone.
did you really just compare weed to bacon? lololol

and yes, people like that annoy me too. i didn't say i was better than anyone, i was just using personal judgement, and expressing my view on the subject.
I'm also interested in alternate states of mind and all that, but I choose not to do any drugs or drink because I value reason above all else. I don't think myself better than anybody who does it occasionally, but there's a certain point where it just gets ridiculous.
If theirs no reason to get started on them then why do it. I understand that if you're depressed some people do it... but there's still no reason. If you're depressed get some prescription pills from your doctor. (Cheaper and they actually work)

They don't take away your capacity for logic, and let you see things from a new perspective. I don't see how it's unreasonable.

forget that
Yes, when I'm hanging around my friend who's smoking and laughing about how he's so high it feels like he's on clouds, all I can think about is how logical it is.
i'll admit, i'm depressed, but i don't take prescription stuff. and self medicating with drugs is a horrible idea, or at least i think. and apparently you think so too. :tup:
I just feel like they're not at odds with your valuing reason above all else, and it feel like you can't really understand without trying them. But more so I think it's weird to say you value reason above all else.
It's who I am, I don't want to view the world through a distorted lens. I want to see reality, as it is, plain and simple. It's very important to me.

I have several friends who smoke and do shrooms, acid, etc. I'm around them sometimes when they do these things, and I just know they're not for me. Same with drinking. I don't want to be just another falling-over drunk teen. I would rather stand straight and capable.

I don't have to stick my hand in fire to know that it burns. I'm not saying that in a negative way, I'm just saying that I don't have to experience everything for myself so I can form my own opinion.