Have you considered that President Obama may be Abe Lincoln reincarnated?

I just got this revelation and when I compare the two men they have a lot in common. Abe freed the slaves and Obama is going to free the world. OBAMA we love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is there some sort of contest with a reward that I don't know about for the dumbest thing someone can come up with about this guy?
Obama is a Democrat and Lincoln was a Republican. Where's the connection?

Lincoln freed the slaves this is true, but Obama is trying to create slaves.
Obama and Lincoln couldn't be more UN -like each other. Lincoln much more resembles Bush in terms of what he did and and how unpopular he was in his own time. In fact, Lincoln was considered a bit of a war-monger, and those against him were the outspoken "Peace Democrats" or "Copperheads. They opposed Lincoln strongly in the media, which they largely controlled. These Copperheads were Northerners who wanted to appease the Southerners, who in turn wanted their freedom, wanted to secede from the US., and wanted to own slaves. Bush- I mean Lincoln, did not allow the terrorists- I mean Southerners to have their Freedom. Instead, he did what was rather unpopular, but what was also right. If Obama was a white man back then, believe me, he would have been a Copperhead (i.e. NOT in favor of Lincoln) .