Have u ever trained a newbie at work, and u could tell she/he didn't like u?


New member
Jul 17, 2009
DAY 1: You train her and get along fine. She's quiet. You joke a little. You make her feel comfortable, like a part of the team.

DAY 2: She knows the basics of the job, but if there's a problem, she asks anybody but you when she needs help.

DAY 3: She nit-picks on your mannerisms and wardrobe. Example: 'I thought that wasn't allowed in the dress code,' or 'I didn't know the workers here could talk like that.'

What's up with the snooty?? It's disappointing, because I thought we were cool.

Has that ever happened to you?
I should have known someone would jump to conclusions. Thanks to 'justwondering' for reminding me to add this: I WAS in dress code. Also, I don't cuss at work, and I never have violated the dress code.
Sorry but you're taking this too personally.

I work as a personal care attendant to people with disabilities in their homes, and I have had to train many coworkers (and for the record, they've all been much older than me). My sister worked in a cake shop, and also had to train older colleagues.

You're not going to get along with everyone. And bear in mind as well that she was probably nervous her first day, so she may have seemed cool, but then she's grown confident enough to backchat.

When my colleagues train me at new clients, sometimes they all do things a different way (there's not necessarily a right and a wrong way) but I like to get other people's opinion on how they do that task.

When I started working, I was shown a code of conduct, and was expected to stick to it, but I didn't see my colleagues sticking to it, so I would question them too.. they made it clear to me that the rules were meant to be bent.. and everyone bends them.

Just try to get along with her.. and forget about it.
Oh, she's just stupid.
We all have our bitchy co-workers...
I'm sorry she was so rude to you, though. If it's that important to you you could always ask her if you offended her and apologize if you did. That's what I would do, anyways.
Good luck girl... remember: patience lol...
Her question about the dress code was valid.

As to why she's asking others for help....

If your her superior, she doesn't want you to think she can't do the job, and probably feels more comfortable approaching someone who can't fire her.

Or, maybe her learning style just isn't compatible with your teaching style. Since you've been on the job for a while, what seems second nature to you could seem like a lot to remember to her. Maybe she is asking others to help her with things you've already explained.

Give her time.
it always happens. they seem to be totally threatened by someone who is not the head manager, like they want to make sure you don't think you are too high up. it's ridiculous especially because you don't get a say whether you train newbies or not. i hate having to train them because they ALWAYS do this.
don't bother with her, be polite but don't make conversation unless she starts it, she's not worth your time. in my experience these types of people will dob you into the boss if you seat a foot wrong so i'd be wary of her. but i could be wrong, that's just from my experience. good luck!