Have I been using the wrong approach to meet new people on facebook?


New member
Jun 2, 2008
Every once in a while I'll add a girl I don't know and I'll say like, "Hey, what's up?". They never respond back. It is girls that go to schools 15-20 minutes from me so it's not like I'm a creeper. Someone told me that facebook isn't reallly the place to do that. I talk to plenty of girls from my school on there, but I have known them for 7 or more years and I want to meet new people without appearing to be weird lol. I haven't had a serious dating relationship in a while and I'm 17 now. I think I'm fairly attractive in my opinion so how would I approach a girl on facebook, with a message, comment, picture comment??? I could also meet them in real life, but I'm a little awkward that's why I get to know them on facebook and then text them or call them. I'm sorry I dragged this question out too far, but help please?