Hasn't this last century proven the Muslim religion is wrong, it's all about...


New member
Sep 18, 2008
...how women are stupid animals? with no souls and all, yet the computer was invited by a woman, Grace Hopper, a navy officer in the 40's. How can an animal create something like the computer?
I believe that all religions are wrong and I think Muslim women are not always allowed the same equality I am but Muslims do not consider women stupid animals - all religions have this sort of thing in their ancient holy books but Muslim men and muslim women, for the most part, have relationships based on love and respect. In Muslim countries tho the woman is often stuck with a disrespectful or abusive man if she is unlucky enough to get one. :-(
I believe that all religions are wrong and I think Muslim women are not always allowed the same equality I am but Muslims do not consider women stupid animals - all religions have this sort of thing in their ancient holy books but Muslim men and muslim women, for the most part, have relationships based on love and respect. In Muslim countries tho the woman is often stuck with a disrespectful or abusive man if she is unlucky enough to get one. :-(
Women do indeed have souls according to Islam. The rumour that women have no souls in Islam is just that and you really shouldn't take rumours as facts.
The truth is that Muslim women were given more rights centuries before Western women got any. Hell, even black men were allowed to vote before women could in America. Women are treating so well in Islam (not necessarily in Muslim countries but we blame this not on Islam but on misogynist interpretations of Islam) that for every man that converts to the religion, four women convert.
So tell me, why would so many Western women willingly convert to this religion that, according to you and a lot of other such people who know nothing about Islam, hates them?

“I will not suffer the work of any worker among you to be lost whether male of female.” (Quran 3:195)
lol it's not the actual religion but how people interpret it; unfortunately many religions are interpreted in a very discriminating way. I'm an atheist; however I understand why religion is so important to others but I still think many problems in the world occur because of these interpretations. It's sad really but you can't just go force someone out of their religion, that's just as wrong as forcing someone in it.
cus the men where like, what?! a religion where i can do whatever i want to women, and treat them like slaves because i believe im superior...sign me up!!

luckily intelligent males dont fall for this...