Has Muammar Gaddhafi's prophecy come true? Is Libya degenerating into a tribal...


New member
May 24, 2011
...civil war like Afghanistan did? Saif al-Islam al-Gaddhafi once said that Libya would fall apart without Gaddhafi. That there were so many tribes and regional interests, that they would just start killing each other.

Now it's beginning.

Maybe Libya needed Gaddhafi to survive after all.
Libya is a land full of savages, they don't know how to use a fork, but they want to build a democracy. What they did to gadafi was barbaric, even though he deserved it, but it is still barbaric. Libya will fall apart.
a few years ago, they claimed they were coming to egypt to escape wars and poverty, when they reached egypt, they started troublemaking. What can you expect from a country, when it's leader and citizens called 6 october 1981 ( the day Anwar sadat died - a great man ) a happy day.
When Libya gained independence in 1951 it was a federal kingdom, in 1963 it was merged in one state. just to be clear

as for what Saif al-Islam said, before that he was talking about reforms after the 2006 italian embassy protests, still we saw no reforms. however, we wanted him to rule after his father (that is, if the revolution never happened) because he is much better than his brother Al-Motasim, he controls intelligence and known for his cruelty

If Qaddafi needed Libya to survive, he should have stayed with king Idris, he was a good man and helped the country in it's darkest hours
I heard that Libya wasn't a one country until 1969, so the population was indeed divided. Egypt for instance is more homogeneous.

This was NATO coup fueled with the promise of money to the rebels. It is ALL about money for all sides. Even Gaddafi was fighting for money. Freedom is subjective.

These people should think first about Lebanon and how civil wars doesn't benefit any one in the end.

A treaty like the one made for Lebanon might help stabilize Libya.
Well we shouldn't think right away that it will be like Afghanistan.
Qadafi's regime was very bad since he used to kill his own people.
I hope all the tribes agree on one thing, they have to!