Has he lost interest already or just poor timing this week?


New member
Jun 9, 2008
am new to this after many years of marriage. I have been separated from the ex for 4 years and dated a few guys in between then and now. This guy I have been seeing for about a week has taken me out for a drink, asked me over to watch a movie (no sex involved), and was taking me out to dinner and a movie Friday but had to cancel due to working overtime. but friday night he texted me for 3 hours. So Saturday I made mention that we should do a movie this weekend. Sunday we could meet up in the evening for a movie.

Well.....he called today as he the person he was going to go groom trails with couldnt go til 3pm and he wouldnt be home til 6 or later. So I said, time isnt an issue for me. So you are cancelling? He said he doesnt even want to guess right now. Has he lost interest? How do I give him his space this early in the relationship?