Hard drive missing in windows xp?


New member
Jun 9, 2008
I have 3 hard drives. The other day I was unpacking a .RAR file in my E drive and for some reason my computer just shut off, almost like there was a short. I opened it up checked all of my connections and looked for possible ground out points and found nothing, so I rebooted and the E drive was missing. The bios detected it but windows did not. I rebooted again and it was back, so I figured everything was fine. This morning I booted up my computer and again the E drive was missing I rebooted it was back but as a matter of fact as I write this question it just disappeared again. help.
It is not showing up in the device manager.
Without further details or looking at it, my guess is the the drive assigned to 'E:' is failing. My advice is to back-up anything important on it and replace it. The unexpected shut-down also indicates that something drawing power is amiss.