Handheld GPS hiking devices reviews and Ratings


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Jun 18, 2007
Handheld GPS hiking devices reviews and Ratings
[SIZE=-1] VIDEO: GPS for HikersAll videos Modern adventurers have numerous tools to choose from when packing for a day trip or an overnight wilderness excursion, and for many, a convenient, all-in-one device is a handheld hiking GPS unit. Those portable navigators can direct you from Point A to Point B, guide you along a plotted course, and add an extra measure of safety. Among the uses for hiking handhelds is geocaching-GPS-based treasure hunting. Geocache enthusiasts log in to geocaching.com to learn about possible caches in a given area, to log a find, or to create a profile for a new cache. The so-called treasures are usually watertight plastic containers containing a logbook to sign and several trinkets. When you find a geocache, you may exchange one object for another. In our experience, they are often toys and simple mementoes. Tiny microcaches might have only a small scroll for signing. Geocaches can provide inspiration for getting some exercise and can give real purpose to the handheld devices. Other uses for handhelds include general hiking, with the ability to plan a trip from a desktop computer and follow a digital breadcrumb trail back to the trailhead. They can also be useful for hunting and fishing. Many include basic sunrise and sunset times, tide tables, and a hunting/fishing calendar. Posted: December 2008 *[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]Subscribe now![/SIZE]
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