
I can and do, but I can get away with it. One of the perks of not being perceived as a threat to the fairer sex, I guess.
gc, i almost included the gay man exclusion, lol
which is equally acceptable to other "out" fellas, no?
Rhea - I would say some of the guys in your dojo do it because they've known you/trained with you for a while and thus its a friendly thing. However, I bet there are also guys who do it with another intent, I don't mean that in a bad way. Just that they may notice that other guys kiss you on the cheek and may like you and feel its a way of getting closer to you etc.? Not sure

All that matters is that YOU are comfortable with it.
i once went over to my instructor's house for a party; i ended up being the only one there who wasn't born in south america. his fiance (who was born in ecuador, but grew up here) kissed everybody on the cheek in greeting, and they did the same; she tried the same with me, and i simply hugged her. "oh, you don't kiss." no. i appreciate the sentiment, but no.

i kiss girls on the cheek in parting, and only if i know them quite well.

i'm sure as HELL not kissing my training partners. hugs a plenty, but no kissing.
pauli - hugs are as bad an invasion of someone's space...actually worse than a kiss on the cheek (if its someone you don't really know).
anyone who attempts to kiss a (relative) stranger on the cheek while considering a hug an invasion of personal space deserves exactly what they get

i cannot fathom a kiss being less invasive than a hug.
But I voted neither! I just meant a hug was worse. Guys at the dojo have asked me if they could hug me...puhlease!

Just say no people.
see, now, in a training context... in every bjj class i've been in, it's pretty much traditional for everyone to shake hands at the end of class, and 90% of those handshakes get pulled into a quick hug; even moreso after a tournament match. it's a social construct to help reinforce that there are no hard feelings and we're all friends (without bringing a mucous membrane in contact with anybody's face).

of course, nobody with some weird fear of being hugged gets on the mats ANYWAY...
pauli - you're such a BJJ nuthugger. We're not specifically talking about hugging on the mats (that I do with wild abandon all whilst pretending I'm doing MA).

Just when people you don't really know want to press up against you? If you're all for that more power to you but I still think its more invasive than a kiss on the cheek.
Bill Clinton actually demonstrated a technique for subtly avoiding a kiss on the cheek or a hug. Essentially, you shake firmly and put your other hand on the shoulder of the person who's about to lean in. It's a basic stiff arm technique. I use it when I need to. Some of the best grappling defense I've learned.
Hmm, maybe Italian.
Or if they are trying to be Italian.
Or a maybe it's a Borat.

Who know's variety of cultures out there who would... Do that sort of thing.
Theres nothing worse than that person you havent (purposely) seen in about 6 months who runs up to you squeaking greetings in a shrill voice and who then proceeds to repeatedly kiss and hug you for the next five minuties.

Do they not realize the fact I ignore their calls is for a reason?