GUYS: Did I cross the line? LOL?


New member
Apr 30, 2010
There's this guy I like. We became friends on facebook, and I felt like speaking my mind and wrote on his wall saying "you're attractive." and thats it. haha was that too bold of me? I hope that didn't scare him off, I'm attractive and everything though. dont see why it would!
I would say that 9/10 guys would find this flattering. Guys like bold girls; their exciting. A bold girl that is attractive is a real treat. Sometimes bold actions lead to great things. Just look at that commercial where that guy hops on the train at the last second. GOOD LUCK!!
no u didnt.
if he likes you or is attracted to you he will message you back..
nope, if he finds you attractive, he will msg you back. if he does that then you are open to date him.