Guy rules

I am licenced to ride one, it's just the ability to do so without the crashing I seem to lack

# whatever we are on now- Do not cry about shooting an animal while on a hunting trip the manly men will shoot you on the spot.
#144 (i think): When others honk their horn at you it is because your driving is so freakin awesome they had to salute you.
Guys rule#161.

At some stage you will sit on the toilet and pee between the seat and the porcelain straight into your boxer shorts, which you will then have to wear.

This is not your fault, but more a design problem.
Guy rule#162: You should never comment to another male 'Have you lost weight?' or else you shall always be labelled a "Metrosexual". The only exception is when said to a fat friend who has no clue as to the meaning of nutritional value.
Guy rule #163: Always remember the Rule of Three. Example: When asked how many press-ups you can do (or other suitably "manly" exercise), multiply the true number by three and provide the resulting figure as your answer.
rule #167 you are NEVER too tired to have sex. no exceptions.

rule #168 no homo must be said after all possibly looking homosexual actions if the said man is not homosexual. the only exception is during rolling.

#169 rolling, wrestling, and groundfighting are straight as long as there is no eye contact

#170 only p**ies shoot someone instead of fighting them man to man.
You just called the USMC, Mossad, The US Army, The Navy Seals, The British Army and The Gurkhas pussies?