guilty pleasures

i dont think the :dodgy: was needed and u prolly pretend ur in the show with ur uber sweet not for sale 10,000 dollar tippman
For god's sake that joke isn't funny anymore, we've done the poll about 20 times and the average is 17-18.
hahaha rascal flatts = ultra homo

apocalytica kicks ass "nothing else matters" is there best song i think

mine...wack it to ex gf's nudie pics...feel guilty, but shit man i took them, their mine now!!!
Bull shit. There is no way you can be entertained on that channel. Never in a million years.

Anyways, Taylor Swift. Soooo fucking hot, and a few months older than me. I'm gonna upload a picture, give me a second . . .



Yeah. Her.
Chiodos - Baby you wouldn't last a minute on the creek

I dunno, I normally hate emo but for some reason I like this song.
I have no idea why somebody putting up spam advertisements would choose a thread so dead to put their shit on other than to be just more annoying than they already are.